Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why change is so difficult?

Looking back of what I have achieved over the years, I am indeed grateful to all the events that have occurred in my life. I believe now that all things that happen should not be simply categorised as good or bad but rather to be understood from the attaching meaning you have given to it. Sometimes making a misinformed decisions has it's advantage as the outcome can strengthened your character and conviction.

When I first started out in a blue collar job as a plant operator in an oil and gas refinery, I was receiving instruction from my superiors whom were very helpful and encouraging. I'd worked hard to gain more experience but somehow I felt a need to do more. I remembered telling myself that one day I would want to be a manager supervising people. The real motive was to increase my paycheck so I can drive and live in the kind of house my manager was privileged to then. The difference in salary according to the ranks was significant. Of course that dream seems very distance then but I knew that something must change in order to get there. And so, I decided to further my studies by taking distance learning. My other setback was my lack in communication skills in which I'd found the solution in toastmasters international organisation. To cut the story short, it was 9 years later that I have achieved my ambition. I finally got my manager rank but in another diverse industry.

We all know that change is a necessity , Isn't it ironic that how we have progress so far as civilisation we are still bounded to the law of the jungle which claims that only the fittest will survive. It is shape up or ship out drill to ensure that you still remain relevant. So companies decide to engage consultants to implement change in the organisation but only to flush hundreds of thousands away and not getting any real results. Some people fail to understand that change takes time. It is not as simply as changing your vision, changing your strategy or even changing your thinking. I recalled a book I have read about beliefs by Robert Dilts. He points out that in order for change to be effective and sustainable, three things must happen.

First, that you got to believe that it is possible to change (Belief system)
Second, you got to want to change ( Value congruency) and
Thirdly, you got to know how to change (Behavioural pattern).

If you ignore any of these three elements, that change which you are asking will not transpire. My experience have taught me that change must begin within each individual. Nowadays, change can be expedite through coaching and mentoring. In my case if I had a good mentor and role model earlier on, I would have shortened my journey towards my goal and probably achieve more in life. However , everything happens for a reason and I am grateful that I'd have reach this far in life.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The value of money

When I was growing up, my late dad had to work 2 jobs to provide for the family so that we can live more comfortably. Teaching in the day and working at my uncle's billiard shop in the night. The reason for working two jobs is because his teaching salary was low, unlike nowadays , it is comparatively high and with added allowances.

I can still remember my maternal grandpa Matthew, lived a simple life and was active in community service at the village. Despite not having much , his house is open to friends and strangers alike. He made people feel welcome ,even shared meal with them and strangely there was enough food to go around.

Nowadays it seems that the more you earn, the more you are in debts. It takes real discipline to practice delayed gratification and only spend on what is necessity.

I think one of the culprit is that we tend to spend on things that kills time example cable tv, video games, gambling, entertainment and so forth. Perhaps we can't stand the thought of not doing anything. We also spend on overindulging our senses. We want to feel good by buying expensive clothings, drive in a more comfortable car, getting those pampering body treatment.

If you think about it, we work to earn money and later ended up being indebted to finance institution because of credit cards, personal loan and morgages. All because we can't wait to save enough to own or enjoy the things we want debt free. We commit to the finance institution because we have this believe that our jobs are secured until the day comes when the economy turn against us. We start blaming the government, unfair business competition,the rising interest rates, corporate mismanagement , everything except ourselves. Yep... the hard truth is that we are not willing to take personal responsibility for our finances.

Quoting from personal experience, the answer is not earning more but rather to be critically conscious on where your money is going to. It is not about being shrewd but rather striving to get more value from each dollar you spend. Don't be fool by the marketing term " Value for money" it is sometimes a bait to further entrapment.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Change is .......

My recent book which I'd read was an eye opener for me, had a provoking title that will challenge any intellectual person to a debate. The book title read " The world is flat" authored by Thomas Friedman. He defended the concept based on real life observation and illustrate with examples how once the world was so divided, is now closely knitted though the advancement of communication technology.

He also describe change as a natural process". Interesting way to put it, instead of the old cliche phrase "change is constant". Yes... I do believe that change is a natural order in life to ensure the weakling is removed from the chain and the fittest remain so that it can future breed a more superior generations.

Thinking about it, when the head of the organisations trumpets out for the need to change , it is often followed by unfavourable consequences. The only way to survive this, is to ensure we are among the strong clan. Not necessarily to be the strongest and the fittest but just enough to outrun the weakess in the group.