On the 2nd of January, I lost my set of keys which opens to my home and office. I Searched frantically though out my whole house, my cars but to no avail. I tried backtracking my activities since my realization and search thereon. Still cannot find it. I enquired at the coffee-shop which I regularly have my breakfast, the hotel which I stayed on new years eve, my office, the bar I patronise and still no keys.
I then remembered my personal saint whom I usually turn to for help. I said a prayer to Saint Anthony last night and hope for the best. In the past miraculously, after saying a prayer, most of the time ,I would be able to recover my ring, my keys, documents and etc. Yes.. I have lost my key before. My christian confirmation name was named after him during the confirmation rites. It is also my grandfather's name. I carry the name with pride as it means a lot to me. This morning, I had a strong instinct to search my car once again, particularly under the front passenger seat which I have earlier look through. True enough the keys was hidden way behind a can drink holder which was under the seat too. 4 days of unsettling feeling have come to an end. In a way , I am glad that I went though this experience because posting it reminded me of my saint, my grandfather whom I never got a chance to meet. My dad told me that grandfather passed away when he was only few months old. I will light a candle in my home later as a remembrance.
Thank you Saint Anthony, my patron saint.
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