It was a year ago, Ryanna Grace Pang came into our life. She was born on the 2nd February 2008 at 11.40 AM weighing 2.8 Kg. Prior to that , my wife and I were trill to find out that the child she was expecting was a girl. Now I feel that my life is complete. With my two boys and her , I have a hand full already. I do admire some families with more than 6 children. They must be good in juggling their time and emotion well. Large families was a common sight in those days.
Caring for Ryanna's early months was a good experience. She did not cry much in the middle of the night as she has predictable sleeping hours unlike my second son Raynald.
A few days ago, my wife Liza told me that she caught her taking her first step all on her own. As parents, it is an exciting moment to see that happens however she is beginning to show signs of tantrum throwing if she does not gets what she wants. Last night for the first time i saw her lying flat on the floor and both hands and legs hitting and kicking with displeasure. Oh no....here we go again , the beginning of the terrible two syndrome. Like they say, it is part of life.
On her birthday celebration, I spend many hours compiling video and photos to make a 9 mins movie clip. The movie clip started with her picture in her mummy's belly until her one year birthday. There will be many more birthdays to come and we will cherish every moment of it. As a father of three, it is my deepest desire to teach them the value of love. I have read somewhere that a child spell love as T.I.M.E
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