Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 key points in making a powerful business presentation

Making an impactful business presentation is very critical in getting the grant or attracting the investors to support you financially in your business. Often key business presentation is not more than 10 minutes as they are busy people whose main focus is getting good returns for their investment. For the investors time is money.

  1. Idea-  Open with a powerful statement, visual statistic, news headlines, about what kind of problems your idea is going to resolve. Based on evidence collected on the size of the targeted market in monetary terms and potential growth.  
  2. People - Build your credibility to succeed by identifying key people in your team who is able to execute the business plan. 
  3. Marketing- Give an overview of the marketing strategy in reaching out to the market. 
  4. Money - Breakdown estimate cost including  marketing budget, salaries, capital expenditure , monthly burn out rate and etc.
  5. Timeline - Realistic projection of return of investment
The only way to do well in presentation is to practice, practice and practice. One of the most effective ways is to sign up for Toastmasters International. You will have a better chance in delivering an ourstanding presentation if you keep up with the club's education goal. I think it's worth the time because you will never know the cost of delivering a bad presentation. A 5 minutes business presentation can stand between success and failure in business.

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